The workshop will be co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2025
September 2025 in TBD
Colocated with ISSTA/ECOOP 2025
where the workshop will be co-located
For the past fourteen years, the Workshop on Automated Test Execution (A-TEST) has provided a venue for researchers and industry members alike to exchange and discuss trending views, ideas, state of the art, work in progress, and scientific results on automated testing.
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the workshop, with the special theme
Using DSLs for testing and the testing of DSLs
This theme fits exactly at the intersection of ECOOP and ISSTA where the workshop will be co-located. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Effective DSLs for testing.
- Integrating DSLs into existing unit testing frameworks like Selenium, JUnit, or PyTest.
- DSLs for API testing (including the GUI).
- Languages for specific testing domains like web, mobile, cloud, and embedded systems testing.
- Tools, IDEs, and environments that support the development and use of DSLs in automated test execution.
- DSLs and Model-Based Testing (MBT), exploring the intersections between DSLs and MBT.
- Real-world applications, success stories, challenges, and lessons learned from using DSLs in industrial settings.
- Novel ideas, emerging trends, and future directions in the development and application of DSLs for testing.
- Testing of DSLs
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission deadline: 14th of June 2025
- Submission deadline: 21st of June 2025
- Author notification: 22nd of July 2025
- Camera-ready Submission: 31st of July 2025
- Workshop: <TBD>
All dates are 23:59:59 AoE
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit papers to the workshop, and present and discuss them at the event on topics related to DSLs and software testing. Paper submissions can be of the following types:
- Full papers (max 8 pages, including references) describing original, complete, and validated research – either empirical or theoretical – in A-TEST related techniques, tools, or industrial case studies.
- Work-in-progress papers (max. 4 pages) that describe novel, interesting, and high-potential work in progress, but not necessarily reaching full completion (e.g., not completely validated).
- Tool papers (max. 4 pages) presenting some testing tool in a way that it could be presented to industry as a start of successful technology transfer.
- Technology transfer papers (max. 4 pages) describing industry-academia co-operation.
- Position papers (max. 2 pages) that analyse trends and raise issues of importance. Position papers are intended to generate discussion and debate during the workshop.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Effective DSLs for testing.
- Integrating DSLs into existing unit testing frameworks like Selenium, JUnit, or PyTest.
- DSLs for API testing (including the GUI).
- Languages for specific testing domains like web, mobile, cloud, and embedded systems testing.
- Tools, IDEs, and environments that support the development and use of DSLs in testing.
- DSLs and Model-Based Testing (MBT), exploring the intersections between DSLs and MBT.
- Real-world applications, success stories, challenges, and lessons learned from using DSLs in industrial settings.
- Novel ideas, emerging trends, and future directions in the development and application of DSLs for testing
- Testing of DSLs
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the workshop organisers at atest2024@easychair.org
Organization Committee
General Chair
Wishnu Prasetya (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Program Co-Chairs
Tijs van der Storm (CWI, The Netherlands)
Tanja E.J.Vos(Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, Open Universiteit The Netherlands)
Publicity & Web Chair
Beatriz Marín (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Previous Editions
The A-TEST workshop has evolved over the years and has successfully run 7 editions since 2009. The first editions went by the name of ATSE (2009 and 2011) took place at the CISTI (Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, http://www.aisti.eu/). The three subsequent editions (2012, 2013 and 2014) at FEDCSIS (Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, http://www.fedcsis.org). In 2015 there was an ATSE2015 at SEFM year and an A-TEST2015 at FSE.
In 2016 we merged the events at FSE resulting in the 7th edition of A-TEST in 2016.
The 8th edition of A-TEST in 2017 was Co-located at the 12th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2017 in Paderbron.
The 9th edition of A-TEST in 2018 was Co-located at the 13th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2018 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States.
The 10th edition of A-TEST in 2019 was Co-located at the 14th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The 11th edition of A-TEST in 2020 was an online workshop due to the COVID-19, co-located with the 15th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2020, also organized virtually.
The 12th edition of A-TEST in 2021 was an online workshop due to the COVID-19, co-located with the 16th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2021, also organized virtually.
The 13th edition of A-TEST in 2022 was co-located with the 17th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2022, in Singapore.
The 14th edition of A-TEST in 2023 was co-located with 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023) in Luxembourg.